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إسم العمیل
Pasargad Exploration, Development and Production Company
نوع الإتفاقیة
'31' month
تاریخ البدء
رجل – ساعة عمل
الطاقة التصمیمیة
Contract signing meeting of “Main EPCC of Sepehr-Jufair Oil Field” Project between Pasargad Exploration, Development and Production Co. and IGC & Rahbord Energy Consortium.
Read MoreEngineering, Procurement $ Constrauction of Sepehr-Jufair field consists of: 12 Vertical(FAHLIYAN) , Vertical (GADVAN), u horizental ( ILAM ) Wellheads facilities, 17 Flow Line, 3 Oil Gathering manifolds, An ultimate oil collecting station entitle as '' Receiving Area '' and one P.L from ''RA'' to WKPU
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